Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Broken Before the Lord - spring

Peter was strong, steadfast and brave,

whatever went wrong, he never ran away.

Nicknamed "the rock", by Jesus he stood,

day after day - he knew he always would.

Trusting his strength when times were tough

until the time came when his strength was not enough.

From the darkness they came with the torches of light,

carriers of fear cutting through the night.

Peter grew weak and left the Lord's side

slipping away, hoping to hide -

hear him cry, hear him cry.....

He opened his heart and out it poured,

he was broken before the Lord.


No sooner had tears left Peter's eyes

than Jesus was taken and crucified,

but Peter came back - 10 times as brave

when Jesus was risen and Jesus forgave -

this time Peter knew from where the strength came

every time a miracle was done in Jesus name...

Peter opened his heart, and out it poured,

he was broken before the Lord.

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