Thursday, April 30, 2020

Overture to Eternity - when I get to heaven - spring

When I get to heaven will I say -
This is the healing music I heard
while on earth
when my soul was so disturbed;
and this is the warmth
that came my way 
when no one knew what to do or to say;
it is all here and it's come to pass
that faith in You
held steadfast,
was Your coming to me
and an overture to eternity.
The feeling of being held
was Your Spirit that swelled
inside of one who now can see
all that You are
is exactly what You said you would be.

"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the son
and believes in him shall have eternal life,
and I will raise them up at the last day."
John 6:40

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

peaceful places - spring

I want to rest in a melody 
that I have never known
and drift upon its lifting wings
wherever they are blown
trusting it will carry me
to peaceful places yet unseen
where health and healing
like a flowing brook
mingle with birdsong
to form a prayer book

Saturday, April 4, 2020

shall we look at love - faith from the heart in trying times

shall we look at love
from many points of view
the angles open up
in these trying times we're going through;
shall we turn our heads
from side to side to see
who really is around us
and what the need might be;
shall we look at love
to open up our eyes
turn our faces heavenward
to the Love beyond the skies;
shall we look at love
to find it all anew
may the trying times we're living in
find the love in me and you