Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Reception of the Heart - fall

the water splash
diffusing in the setting sun
all the colors
how they run
but what would it mean
if the eye hadn’t been created
for its splendor to be seen?
or what of the intricate song
of the bird
if the ear weren’t created
for its essence to be heard?
or what of the wonders of music,
of art,
if God had not given
reception of the heart?
or why have a discerning mind
if not to write such thoughts
and share in kind;
creator, sustainer,
pardon us if we
should think
that beings in your image
would not be in sync
with all the wonders you have given
and to totally absorb
all that You have shared in this existence
may Your name solely
be adored.

Friday, October 26, 2018

keep the faith - fall

every year
in the fall
that tree of red
has me in awe
along with its neighbors,
yellow and orange,
true colors come through
(kept in summers storage)
when the temperatures cool
and the shadows grow long
that is when the colors are strong –
out of weakness
no one else knows,
how beautiful you’ve become
that only now shows.
I believe you are crimson,
caring and kind,
the blood of our Lord
is His blessing divine
we show our colors
when we keep the faith,
it is true,
with our weaknesses uncovered
God’s will shines through.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

this be one of those quiet days - fall

this be one of those quiet days
when nary a word was said
and feelings reign completely unspoken
their only outlet, within my head;
when poetry writes itself
a song
and shared within silence,
if anyone wish to sing along

Monday, October 8, 2018

prayer for the persecuted - fall

when God smiles on those who suffer
the skies are filled with light
and someone who serves Him is blessed-
they have looked to Him in humility
and kept faith throughout their test;
in desperate need of something good
they rest their eyes on Who they should
so the breezes of comfort within their spirit consoled
with all the goodness that He possesses
and shares with believing souls;
the greatest rewards are yet to come
the day of dawning into the welcoming
of the Father and the Son

Psalm 94:19
"When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought me joy."